Get Involved

Countries Registration

Country Registration is now closed. Please get in touch with the PAMO organizers if you would like to be involved in future years.

Volunteer from Online

Do you want to participate as an online volunteer at PAMO 2023? We are looking for international volunteers who have participated at Olympiads before to sign up for different roles including as Observer A supporting a new team, Co-ordinator, Problem Submitter and Mentor. If you want to support PAMO 2023, please fill out the registration form below. Please see below for a more detailed description of the roles.

Volunteer as a Local Guide

Each country at PAMO will be assigned a guide to support the team during their stay in Kigali. We are looking for local volunteers who have a good knowledge of Kigali & a connection to one of the participating countries to volunteer as local guides for PAMO.  Please see below for details about what it takes to be a guide.